You Need a Valet Trash Website [5 Reasons Why]

Valet Trash Website

You have made a big jump into entrepreneurship with the launch of your new valet trash company! The services you will be providing to regional multi-family communities is going to prove to be an amenity that residents and property managers will soon find they can’t live without! Of course, before you can begin to market […]

Preparing Valet Trash Training for your First Employees

Valet Trash Training

Hiring your first employees for your valet trash business can be a combination of a little nerve-wracking and exciting. The demand for your services is great enough to warrant more help but how do you even begin with valet trash training?

Little Known Ways to Determine a Valet Trash Pickup Cost

Valet Trash Pickup Cost

You just got a call from the property manager of the newly-constructed apartment complex about a meeting for your valet trash services. This is great news! You will have so much to put together before the meeting takes place like drawing up a proposal that covers the rate the complex will be charged. But, how […]

3 Common Valet Trash Complaints and How to Respond

Valet Trash Complaints

Your valet trash company offers a unique service that is rising in demand across the country. With the influx of renters and their requests for amenities, you will find that you are becoming busier year-over-year. Naturally, the more multi-family complexes you service, the more often you may have to mitigate issues. Here are the 3 […]

Is Valet Trash a Good Business to Start in My State?

Is Valet Trash a Good Business

With all of the discussion about valet trash companies, here’s a question you may be considering: “Is valet trash a good business to start in my state?” Consider these statistics from a 2016 report released by the National Multifamily Housing Council:

How to Get a Valet Trash Contract [7 Essential Tips]

valet trash contract

Is your valet trash business all set-up and you are ready to find your first client? Or maybe you’ve already established your first customers, and now you’re considering approaching the apartment complex on the other side of town. No matter where you’re at in the sales game, at some point, you will need to figure […]

Determining Your Valet Trash Service Cost [3 Tips]

Valet Trash Service Cost

Before meeting with a prospective client, you should always spend some time performing basic research about the location, building age, amount of units, and layout of the property. Browsing the rental community’s website (if applicable) can disclose as much helpful information as driving through the neighborhood. These activities are what marketers refer to as epistemic […]

Valet Trash Service Flyer: Creating Marketing Materials

Valet Trash Flyer

Whether you are just starting your valet trash company or you are a seasoned expert, there is always room for creating more marketing materials. A valet trash service flyer is one of the easiest ways to do this. Creating a flyer requires little effort and is low in cost. Your company’s valet trash service flyer […]

How to Start a Waste Recycling Business with Little Money

start a waste recycling business

If you truly want to live the life you dream about, you must get out of your comfort zone. You may already receive a good monthly paycheck from your boss and be content for now, but is your job really what you want to do for the rest of your life? Some might have already […]

5 Exciting and Successful Businesses with Low Startup Costs

businesses with low startup cost

In order for one to prosper in life, working hard and staying within in the four corners of an office may not be quite effective. You don’t have to be extremely rich or very knowledgeable to put up businesses with low startup costs.